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Rossetto, D., Sebastianelli, L., Oberegger, S., Todorovic, S., Haas, H., & Mansy, S. S. (2024). Peptide mimics of the cysteine‐rich regions of HapX and SreA bind a [2fe‐2s] cluster in vitro. Advanced Biology, 8(5), 2300545. 

​Frade, K., Silveira, C. M., Salgueiro, B. A., Mendes, S., Martins, L. O., Frazão, C., Todorovic, S., & Moe, E. (2024). Biochemical, Biophysical, and Structural Analysis of an Unusual DyP from the Extremophile Deinococcus radiodurans. Molecules, 29(2), 358.

Barbosa, C., Rodrigues, C. F., Lončar, N., Martins, L. O., Todorovic, S., & Silveira, C. M. (2024). Spectroelectrochemistry for determination of the redox potential in heme enzymes: Dye-decolorizing peroxidases. BBA Advances, 5, 100112. 

Calisto, F., Todorovic,S. , Louro,R.O. &  Pereira,M.M (2023). Exploring substrate interaction in respiratory alternative complex III from Rhodothermus marinus.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics,1864(3),148983.

Seck, A., De Bonis, S., Stelter, M., Ökvist, M., Senarisoy, M., Hayek, M. R., Le Roy, A., Martin, L., Saint-Pierre, C., Silveira, C. M., Gasparutto, D., Todorovic, S., Ravanat, J.-L., & Timmins, J. (2023). Structural and functional insights into the activation of the dual incision activity of uvrc, a key player in bacterial ner. Nucleic Acids Research, 51(6), 2931–2949.

Pelmenschikov, V., Ferreira, D., Venceslau, S. S., Hildebrandt, P., Pereira, I. A. C., & Todorovic, S. (2023). Substrate-Dependent Conformational Switch of the Noncubane [4Fe-4S] Cluster in Heterodisulfide Reductase HdrB. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(1), 7–11.

Moe, E., Silveira, C. M., Zuccarello, L., Rollo, F., Stelter, M., de Bonis, S., Kulka-Peschke, C., Katz, S., Hildebrandt, P., Zebger, I., Timmins, J., & Todorovic, S. (2022). Human endonuclease III/NTH1: focusing on the [4Fe–4S] cluster and the N-terminal domain. Chemical Communications, 58(90), 12568–12571.

Ji, Y., Wei, L., Da, A., Stark, H., Hagedoorn, P.-L., Ciofi-Baffoni, S., Cowley, S. A., Louro, R. O., Todorovic, S., Mroginski, M. A., Nicolet, Y., Roessler, M. M., le Brun, N. E., Piccioli, M., James, W. S., Hagen, W. R., & Ebrahimi, K. H. (2022). Radical-SAM dependent nucleotide dehydratase (SAND), rectification of the names of an ancient iron-sulfur enzyme using NC-IUBMB recommendations. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9.

Rollo, F., Borges, P. T., Silveira, C. M., Rosa, M. T. G., Todorovic, S., & Moe, E. (2022). Disentangling Unusual Catalytic Properties and the Role of the [4Fe-4S] Cluster of Three Endonuclease III from the Extremophile D. radiodurans. Molecules, 27(13).

Caserta, G.; Zuccarello, L.; Barbosa, C.; Silveira, C. M.; Moe, E.; Katz, S.; Hildebrandt, P.; Zebger, I.; Todorovic, S. (2022). Unusual structures and unknown roles of Fes clusters in metalloenzymes seen from a resonance Raman Spectroscopic Perspective. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 452, 214287.


Zitare, U. A.; Habib, M. H.; Rozeboom, H.; Mascotti, M. L.; Todorovic, S.; Fraaije, M. W. (2021). Mutational and structural analysis of an ancestral fungal dye‐decolorizing peroxidase. The FEBS Journal, 288(11), 3602–3618.

Püschmann, J.; Mahor, D.; de Geus, D. C.; Strampraad, M. J.;Srour, B.; Hagen, W. R., Todorovic, S.; Hagedoorn, P.L. (2021). Unique biradical intermediate in the mechanism of the heme enzyme chlorite dismutase. ACS Catalysis, 14533–14544. 

Silveira, C.M.; Zuccarello, L.; Barbosa, C.; Caserta, G.; Zebger, I.; Hildebrandt, P.; Todorovic, S. (2021) Molecular Details on Multiple Cofactor Containing Redox Metalloproteins Revealed by Infrared and Resonance Raman Spectroscopies. Molecules , 26, 4852.

Zuccarello, L.; Barbosa, C.; Galdino, E.; Lončar, N.; Silveira, C.M.; Fraaije, M.W.; Todorovic, S. (2021) SERR Spectroelectrochemistry as a Guide for Rational Design of DyP-Based Bioelectronics Devices. Int. J. Mol. Sci. , 22, 7998.

Zuccarello, L.; Barbosa, C.; Todorovic, S. & Silveira, C.M. (2021) Electrocatalysis by Heme Enzymes-Applications in Biosensing. Catalysts, 11, 218.

Silveira, C. M., Moe, E., Fraaije, M., Martins, L. O., & Todorovic, S. (2020). Resonance Raman view of the active site architecture in bacterial DyP-type peroxidases. RSC Advances, 10(19), 11095–11104.

Barbosa, C., Silveira, C. M., Silva, D., Brissos, V., Hildebrandt, P., Martins, L. O., & Todorovic, S. (2020). Immobilized dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) and directed evolution variants for hydrogen peroxide biosensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 153.

Todorovic, S. (2019). Raman Biospectroscopy and Imaging. In A. S. Pereira, P. Tavares, & P. Limão-Vieira (Eds.), Radiation in Bioanalysis (Vol. 8, pp. 111–145). Springer International Publishing.

Todorovic, S., & Teixeira, M. (2018). Resonance Raman spectroscopy of Fe–S proteins and their redox properties. In Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 647–661). Springer Verlag.

Honarmand Ebrahimi, K., Silveira, C., & Todorovic, S. (2018). Evidence for the synthesis of an unusual high spin ( S = 7/2) [Cu–3Fe–4S] cluster in the radical-SAM enzyme RSAD2 (viperin). Chemical Communications, 54(62), 8614–8617.

Moe, E., Rollo, F., Silveira, C. M., Sezer, M., Hildebrandt, P., & Todorovic, S. (2018). Spectroelectrochemical insights into structural and redox properties of immobilized endonuclease III and its catalytically inactive mutant. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 188, 149–154.

Silveira, C. M., Castro, M. A., Dantas, J. M., Salgueiro, C., Murgida, D. H., & Todorovic, S. (2017). Structure, electrocatalysis and dynamics of immobilized cytochrome PccH and its microperoxidase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(13), 8908–8918.

Gouveia, Z., Carlos, A. R., Yuan, X., Aires-da-Silva, F., Stocker, R., Maghzal, G. J., Leal, S. S., Gomes, C. M., Todorovic, S., Iranzo, O., Ramos, S., Santos, A. C., Hamza, I., Gonçalves, J., & Soares, M. P. (2017). Characterization of plasma labile heme in hemolytic conditions. The FEBS Journal, 284(19), 3278–3301.

Todorovic, S., & Murgida, D. H. (2016). Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Biological Materials. In Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (pp. 1–29). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Santos, L., Silveira, C. M., Elangovan, E., Neto, J. P., Nunes, D., Pereira, L., Martins, R., Viegas, J., Moura, J. J. G., Todorovic, S., Almeida, M. G., & Fortunato, E. (2016). Synthesis of WO3 nanoparticles for biosensing applications. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 223, 186–194.

Maiti, B. K., Maia, L. B., Silveira, C. M., Todorovic, S., Carreira, C., Carepo, M. S. P., Grazina, R., Moura, I., Pauleta, S. R., & Moura, J. J. G. (2015). Incorporation of molybdenum in rubredoxin: models for mononuclear molybdenum enzymes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 20(5), 821–829.

Moe, E., Sezer, M., Hildebrandt, P., & Todorovic, S. (2015). Surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopic evidence for an alternative DNA-independent redox activation of endonuclease III. Chemical Communications, 51(15), 3255–3257.


Todorovic, S., Hildebrandt, P., & Martins, L. O. (2015). Surface enhanced resonance Raman detection of a catalytic intermediate of DyP-type peroxidase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(18), 11954–11957.


Mendes, S., Catarino, T., Silveira, C., Todorovic, S., & Martins, L. O. (2015). The catalytic mechanism of A-type dye-decolourising peroxidase BsDyP: neither aspartate nor arginine is individually essential for peroxidase activity. Catalysis Science and Technology, 5(12), 5196–5207.


Silveira, C. M., Quintas, P. O., Moura, I., Moura, J. J. G., Hildebrandt, P., Almeida, M. G., & Todorovic, S. (2015). SERR Spectroelectrochemical Study of Cytochrome cd1 Nitrite Reductase Co-Immobilized with Physiological Redox Partner Cytochrome c552 on Biocompatible Metal Electrodes. PLOS ONE, 10(6), e0129940.

Mendes, S., Brissos, V., Gabriel, A., Catarino, T., Turner, D. L., Todorovic, S., & Martins, L. O. (2015). An integrated view of redox and catalytic properties of B-type PpDyP from Pseudomonas putida MET94 and its distal variants. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 574, 99–107.

Nobre, L. S., Garcia-Serres, R., Todorovic, S., Hildebrandt, P., Teixeira, M., Latour, J.-M., & Saraiva, L. M. (2014). Escherichia coli RIC Is Able to Donate Iron to Iron-Sulfur Clusters. PLoS ONE, 9(4), e95222.

Oliveira, F. S., Pereiro, A. B., Araújo, J. M. M., Bernardes, C. E. S., Canongia Lopes, J. N., Todorovic, S., Feio, G., Almeida, P. L., Rebelo, L. P. N., & Marrucho, I. M. (2013). High ionicity ionic liquids (HIILs): Comparing the effect of ethylsulfonate and ethylsulfate anions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(41), 18138–18147.


Sezer, M., Santos, A., Kielb, P., Pinto, T., Martins, L. O., & Todorovic, S. (2013). Distinct Structural and Redox Properties of the Heme Active Site in Bacterial Dye Decolorizing Peroxidase-Type Peroxidases from Two Subfamilies: Resonance Raman and Electrochemical Study. Biochemistry, 52(18), 3074–3084.

Sezer, M., Genebra, T., Mendes, S., Martins, L. O., & Todorovic, S. (2012). A DyP-type peroxidase at a bio-compatible interface: Structural and mechanistic insights. Soft Matter, 8(40), 10314–10321.


Todorovic, S., Rodrigues, M. L., Matos, D., & Pereira, I. A. C. (2012). Redox Properties of Lysine- and Methionine-Coordinated Hemes Ensure Downhill Electron Transfer in NrfH 2 A 4 Nitrite Reductase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(19), 5637–5643.

Quintas, P. O., Catarino, T., Todorovic, S., & Turner, D. L. (2011). Highly Selective Ligand Binding by Methylophilus methylotrophus Cytochrome c ′′. Biochemistry, 50(25), 5624–5632.


Pinto, A. F., Todorovic, S., Hildebrandt, P., Yamazaki, M., Amano, F., Igimi, S., Romão, C. V, & Teixeira, M. (2011). Desulforubrerythrin from Campylobacter jejuni, a novel multidomain protein. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry : JBIC : A Publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 16(3), 501–510.


Molinas, M. F., De Candia, A., Szajnman, S. H., Rodríguez, J. B., Martí, M., Pereira, M., Teixeira, M., Todorovic, S., & Murgida, D. H. (2011). Electron transfer dynamics of Rhodothermus marinus caa 3 cytochrome c domains on biomimetic films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(40), 18088–18098.

Catarino, T., Pessanha, M., De Candia, A. G., Gouveia, Z., Fernandes, A. P., Pokkuluri, P. R., Murgida, D., Marti, M. A., Todorovic, S., & Salgueiro, C. A. (2010). Probing the Chemotaxis Periplasmic Sensor Domains from Geobacter sulfurreducens by Combined Resonance Raman and Molecular Dynamic Approaches: NO and CO Sensing. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(34), 11251–11260.

Martins, G., Rodrigues, L., Cunha, F. M., Matos, D., Hildebrandt, P., Murgida, D. H., Pereira, I. A. C., & Todorovic, S. (2010). Substrate Binding to a Nitrite Reductase Induces a Spin Transition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(16), 5563–5566.


Carapeto, A. P., Serro, A. P., Nunes, B. M. F., Martins, M. C. L., Todorovic, S., Duarte, M. T., André, V., Colaço, R., & Saramago, B. (2010). Characterization of two DLC coatings for joint prosthesis: The role of albumin on the tribological behavior. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204(21–22), 3451–3458.

Grein, F., Venceslau, S. S., Schneider, L., Hildebrandt, P., Todorovic, S., Pereira, I. A. C., & Dahl, C. (2010). DsrJ, an essential part of the DsrMKJOP transmembrane complex in the purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum, is an unusual triheme cytochrome c. Biochemistry, 49(38), 8290–8299.

Fernandes, A. T., Damas, J. M., Todorovic, S., Huber, R., Baratto, M. C., Pogni, R., Soares, C. M., & Martins, L. O. (2010). The multicopper oxidase from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum shows nitrous oxide reductase activity. The FEBS Journal, 277(15), 3176–3189.

Chen, Z., Durão, P., Silva, C. S., Pereira, M. M., Todorovic, S., Hildebrandt, P., Bento, I., Lindley, P. F., & Martins, L. O. (2010). The role of Glu498 in the dioxygen reactivity of CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis. Dalton Transactions, 39(11), 2875–2882.


Silveira, C. M., Gomes, S. P., Araújo, A. N., Montenegro, M. C. B. S. M., Todorovic, S., Viana, A. S., Silva, R. J. C., Moura, J. J. G., & Almeida, M. G. (2010). An efficient non-mediated amperometric biosensor for nitrite determination. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25(9), 2026–2032.

Nobre, L. S., Todorovic, S., Tavares, A. F. N., Oldfield, E., Hildebrandt, P., Teixeira, M., & Saraiva, L. M. (2010). Binding of azole antibiotics to Staphylococcus aureus flavohemoglobin increases intracellular oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology, 192(6), 1527–1533.

Murgida, D. H., Hildebrandt, P., & Todorovic, S. (2010). Immobilized Redox Proteins: Mimicking Basic Features of Physiological Membranes and Interfaces. In Biomimetics Learning from Nature (pp. 21–48).


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